Keep the Faith & Hold Your Horses!
We never thought we would be able to launch this website let alone a blog to go along with it! All the while our hearts reminded us to keep the faith. Encouragement is what is lacking in this world these days and we want to send the really can! Reach for those stars, keep trying , encourage yourself even if you don't feel like it. You are here for a reason!

The ocean is a sweeping, beautiful part of Creation. It's deep and's shallow and mesmerizing. The waves lap the shore in continuous refrain. Tides roll in and bring treasures from the deep that become visible as they ebb away. Horses at the beach are an unusual sight but they inhabit many barrier islands on the eastern seaboard of the United States. They are the wild ones. The ones who swam from ships that sank centuries ago in the graveyard of the Atlantic. Some survived in this hostile environment and adapted to live on these strips of sand. It is an amazing thing to think these creatures now thrive there. Breyer Animal Creations released a portrait model of one such horse or pony in this case. The current gift set is Misty with her foal Stormy and includes the book "Misty of Chincoteague" by Marguerite Henry. This is the true story of a wild pony from Chincoteague Island off the coast of Virginia. Horses are very special animals. Like the ocean they are deep and at times unknown...they are shallow to those they trust and always mesmerizing. To look into the eyes of these majestic beasts causes one to wonder just what they have been through...what their eyes have seen through the years. The natural world and horses are the two things that inspired us to create this website and blog. Two things that mean so much to our lives. We didn't think we would or could be successful at sharing our love for both with others. But...Yes...we can do it! It was a dream and now it's a plan! Keep the faith and never ever let go of your dreams.